3D Printing
Online 3D Modeling Profiles
Currently only using one site. Printables.com community, interface, features are superior to all others (R.I.P Thingiverse)
- Printables (by Josef Prusa) : https://www.printables.com/@LordAchoo_753559
- My Models (on Printables.com) : https://www.printables.com/@LordAchoo_753559/models
Bambu Studio Custom Filament & Process Profiles
If you change filament settings in conjunction with process settings - they will be linked together via "print_settings_id" and dependent on each other.
Filament Profiles
- Windows - %appdata%\BambuStudio\user\<userid>\filament- Example: C:\Users\<windows_user>\AppData\Roaming\BambuStudio\user\<USER_ID>\filament- Mac - /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/BambuStudio/user/{userid}/filament- Linux - TBD
Files for each custom profile are:
Example .info file
sync_info =user_id = <USERID>setting_id = PF31724332795444855base_id = GFSB99updated_time = 1683506405
Example JSON File
{"filament_settings_id": ["Generic ABS - PolyTerra Lite ABS"],"from": "User","inherits": "Generic ABS","is_custom_defined": "0","name": "Generic ABS - PolyTerra Lite ABS","nozzle_temperature": ["260"],"nozzle_temperature_initial_layer": ["250"],"nozzle_temperature_range_high": ["265"],"nozzle_temperature_range_low": ["245"],"reduce_fan_stop_start_freq": ["0"],"version": ""}
Process Profiles
- Windows - %appdata%\BambuStudio\user\<userid>\process- Example: C:\Users\<windows_user>\AppData\Roaming\BambuStudio\user\<USER_ID>\process- Mac - /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/BambuStudio/user/{userid}/process- Linux - TBD
Files for each custom profile are:
Example .info file
sync_info =user_id = 4017855990setting_id = PP46842475026869847base_id = GP018updated_time = 1683831757
Example .json file
{"bottom_shell_layers": "0","brim_type": "no_brim","from": "User","inherits": "0.08mm Extra Fine @BBL P1P","initial_layer_infill_speed": "20","initial_layer_speed": "20","inner_wall_speed": "20","internal_solid_infill_speed": "20","is_custom_defined": "0","name": "0.08mm Extra Fine @BBL P1P - Transparent","outer_wall_speed": "20","print_settings_id": "0.08mm Extra Fine @BBL P1P - Transparent","skirt_loops": "4","sparse_infill_density": "100%","sparse_infill_pattern": "alignedrectilinear","sparse_infill_speed": "20","top_shell_layers": "0","top_surface_speed": "20","version": ""}
Bambu Labs RFID Hax
- https://github.com/Bambu-Research-Group/RFID-Tag-Guide#proxmark3-compatible-readers
- Proxmark3 - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081FDN6HQ
3D Printing Equipment
- FlashForge Guider IIs
- MakerBot Method X (with all extruder types)
- Anycubic Photon Mono X
- 2x Bambu X1C
- Bambu P1P (With AMS/Enclosure, Etc)
CNC / Mill Equipment
- Carbide 3D CNC Mill
- 3018 Based, Custom built/upgraded / 100W Spindle Mill
- Experience printing with various FDM materials - including carbon fiber (CF), PLA, ABS, Nylon, Stainless Steel (BASF 316L), Support Materials (SR-30, PVA)
- Experience tuning and printing with various Resins with Anycubic Photon Mono X
- Experience with 3D Modeling (Fusion 360), SCAD model creation