Andrew Nelson
Fremont, CA - (510) 399-3226
I am interested in leveraging my 17 Years experience in the computer software and hardware field, as well as quality management and operations to help drive continuous improvement and growth.
It is impossible for me to go in-depth or even list all of the software, hardware and projects i've worked with. I prefer to have a discussion about your business or project in depth so that I can offer insight into specific projects, technologies, software or experience I have that I believe can be valuable.
Exxact Corporation - VP of Technology (June 2018 - November 2022)
Roles & Responsibility: Overall management of multiple departments including Technology, Facilities & IT, System Support & Software Development. Worked directly with customers to design & quote complex computer hardware and turn-key HPC clusters to fit their needs for a variety of workloads and applications - from off the shelf to customized embedded use cases.
- Quality Management / Process Engineering Responsibilities:
- Designed, managed ISO 9001:2015 compliant Quality Management System (QMS) for organization
- Internal Auditing
- Designate KPI/metrics per department/business process, implement KPI/metrics gathering process(es) to feed the metrics into Management Review (MR) for analysis
- Management Review management and coordination quarterly
- Coordinated & performed full certification audits with ISO 9001 auditor/registrar
- Overall responsibility for: hardware and software vendor relationships, communication and partnerships
- Overall responsibility for: sales engineering team, system configurations, handling marquee accounts
- Working directly with prospective customers: Configuring and optimizing hardware (Servers, Turn-Key HPC Clusters, Workstations) to budget and optimizing to desired workload/application
- Overall responsibility for: IT & Infrastructure throughout the company (dual WAN/routing, VLANs, fiber infrastructure, Microsoft ADC)
- Overall responsibility for: internal software (ERP/Web/Backend Infrastructure) development with emphasis on CPQ (quotation system) development
- Overall responsibility for: ISO 9001:2015 quality management system (QMS) design, internal audits, internal and external corrective actions, certification audits
Exxact Corporation - Director of Engineering (September 2010 - June 2018)
Roles & Responsibility: Overall responsibility for sales engineering (customer facing and internal), quote system software development, system customer technical support
- Started and refined internal processes for system integration operations and obtained ISO 9001:2008 certification for Exxact Corporation
- Overall responsibility for sales engineering (this includes system quotations and configurations) for all accounts
- Created CPQ (quote system) software system for configuring, pricing and presenting computer hardware quotations and proposals to customers
- Overall responsibility for system customer technical support department
FQ Systems - Lead Engineer & Software Engineer (October 2005 - September 2010)
Roles & Responsibility: Manage integrator personnel, process engineering, software development on internal software infrastructure
- Responsibility to create, validate and create processes for company within ISO 9001 compliance - as well as execute certification audit for company for all processes across the company
- Responsibility working with integrators to ensure quality, conformance to written processes & build documents (ISO 9001)
- Responsibility designing and implementing software for internal functions (ERP, Quotation, Build/Production Management, and other functions)
Technical Skills
- Software:
- Web Development: HTML5, NodeJS, PHP (Expert Level), MySQL, MongoDB, PERL (Expert Level), JavaScript (Expert Level)
- SW Frameworks: such as REACT, GATSBY, jQuery, Etc
- DevOps: BASH Scripting, TensorFlow & AI/DL Orchestration, Docker Containerization, Kubernetes, HPC Clustering (SLURM, MOAB, HPC/Cluster Provisioning & Management Stacks)
- C/C++: Experience writing SHELL-like CLI applications, *NIX Kernel modules, general purpose utilities/applications
- Minecraft Engine: Experience configuring, administrating, managing Minecraft server instances, Minecraft mods/frameworks (Forge, Spigot, BungeeCord multi-server worlds), Multicraft environments & configuration
- Web Development: HTML5, NodeJS, PHP (Expert Level), MySQL, MongoDB, PERL (Expert Level), JavaScript (Expert Level)
- Hardware:
- Consumer/Desktop Hardware: Deep familiarity with creating specifications/builds and configuring with all major hardware vendors: ASUS, Gigabyte, ASROCK, SuperMicro, Etc
- Server Hardware: Deep familiarity with creating specifications/builds and configuring with all major hardware vendors: ASUS, Gigabyte, ASROCK, SuperMicro, HPE, Etc
- Network Design/Implemntation: NVIDIA InfiniBand, Ethernet (NVIDIA, FS.COM, Juniper, Cisco)
- Technologies:
- Virtualization: VMWARE, KVM/LXC, Citrix
- Containerization: Familiar working with, and creating docker containers, orchestration of docker services via Kubernetes, familiar with Singularity
- Process Engineering:
- Extensive ISO 9001:2015 experience creating full company ISO Quality Management Systems (QMS) under 9001:2008/2015.
- Including flowcharting new processes and updating existing processes to be ISO 9001 compliant
- Comprehensive experience planning company business KPI / metrics for analysis to drive business decision making with actionable data
- Comprehensive experience designing internal audit processes and performing ISO 9001:2015 compliant internal audits to maintain processes and process compliance
Education, Hobbies
- Irvington High School, 2002
- Hardware & Software Engineering - Including home server/environment hosting (Minecraft, Multicraft, HPC Automation Etc)
- 3D Printing (FDM - Metal & Other Materials)
- IOT Hardware & Programming (Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, Etc)
- Blockchain, Crypto Networks, Methods and Use Cases, Backend Code Development
- Drones & RC
- Cycling (Road / Mountain Bike / Cyclocross)
- Amateur (HAM) Radio - FCC Technician License : KN6VEP
- Archery
- Mining (Gold Prospecting, Mining Claims)
- Firearms & Gunsmithing - Member at LARGC
- Quality Engineering (ISO 9001, AS5553, Etc)